Thursday, November 08, 2007

Even An End Has A Start

Right, well that was all good and well. Funny bits here and there, but really nothing too spectacular. Promises were made then not kept and the space between correspondence was so vast that I don't even remember the last time I personally posted something on here... though I guess it's pretty apparent since the posts are dated. The point here is thus...

I woke up today and tucked my shirt in for the first time ever of my own free will.

Sure sure, I've tucked it in before, but they've been during instances of necessity -- weddings, funerals, nice dinners, high school dances, college formals, costume parties. This all sounds pretty immature and unimportant I'm sure, but it's the God's honest truth.

This marks a decidedly different turn for me.

So why "blog" about it?

Good question, glad I asked that of myself. The whole idea of blogging sort of confuses me. Yes, I have kept a blog before on a semi-regular basis (even if it was for just 2 months), and yes this is a blog I started about a year ago (which was hardly ever updated, probably for the better), but the whole thought of serious blogging doesn’t make any real sense to me. Why would I want to know what is going on in someone’s everyday life? Why not just simply converse with them and get to know them, where knowing what goes on during the course of their day is more an idea of friendship? Well the world nowadays doesn’t work like that I guess.

I realize that this is going to sound hypocritical given what I just wrote but who really cares, right? If you’re reading this, you’re probably a blogger yourself or you know me and know that even though the one trait I despise most in people is hypocrisy, I still am one of the most hypocritical people I know (that’s how those things work by the way. I just can’t help it. The thing you hate most in people turns out to be your biggest flaw). So in an effort to fit in, I’m going to attempt at a blog a day, for a couple weeks at first, then if it catches maybe I’ll keep going (but NO promises you).

What will your blog be about?

Another good question. The way I see it, much like any story, there are only a couple types of blogs that are at the root of everything. There’s the political blog, be it satirical (like the lame attempt at an Onion-style news page The Foggiest started out as) or the real deal politically minded blog, where people vent their frustrations and views on everything from the environment to the current state of affairs in Africa or in our own backyard. There’s also the music blog, which to be honest, is probably the most popular. Everyone thinks their taste in music is better than yours. Then there’s the daily journal blogs. Dear Diary as I like to call it, where updates on the day to day and sometimes hour to hour operations of a person’s life are chronicled on the cyber pages of the blogosphere. I find these pointless. Who really cares?

(I’m sorry for the overt cynicism of the preceding paragraph. It’s just that for the past week I’ve been reading random blogs and am struggling to find the purpose in a lot of them. That’s not to say that my will have a purpose, in fact, there will be absolutely no purpose whatsoever in anything I do on The Foggiest. There’s just no point.)

So now I just need to find my niche, and as much as I’d like to be one of those people who is “niche-less” I’m sure there is some place where the things I put on The Foggiest will fit in. So we’ll leave that area TBD. Just be prepared for witless phrases of complete nonsense, a deconstruction of my neurosis, and a few pictures sprinkled here and there. Also, a large absence of proofreading.

What do you say? Good enough for the first new post in a while?


Martha Elaine Belden said...

yay! you blogged again, and it looks like there will be more to come. i'm adding you to my blog side bar... now.

okay... now that's done, i look forward to your blogging hypocrisy. and i have to say, i don't think you do need to fall into a niche. i don't think my blog does. i've written everything from poetry (if you can call it that) to writing exercises to book/movie/music reviews to what i like to call please-pity-me posts. just write what's on your mind, and we'll be here to read it (i say we knowing only me and anton... but i'm certain there are and/or will be others)

i'm done. sorry for my loquaciousness. i talk to much.

Not Required said...

Good to have you back. You know, I just forget what the purpose of my blog is even supposed to be. I have an extreme absence of short-term memory. I really don't care what you write or post. I just want to learn something from you. After all, we all must have a little wisdom to share. You on the other hand, have more than a little, so get to share'in. At you convenience of course.