Monday, March 17, 2008

Oh, My Stars and Garters!

I was checking my regular websites this morning when I came upon a perfect piece of info for a Monday morning (besides Music Mondays, of course). Ain't It Cool News tells us that... There's a Ricky Gervais film in the works... Written and directed by him with Matt Robinson.

This is great news. The premise will undoubtedly follow in line with Gervais' past satirical work (especially of note, that last episode of Extras... amazing).

Basic premise: It is a world where lying has never happened, everyone in the history of time has told the truth and has no concept of what a lie is... until Gervais accidentally invents it.

Going to be Gold.

Here's Gervais' new blog for the film, This Side of the Truth. Follow it.


Not Required said...

At first I was all giddy at the prospect of a new Music Mondays, after spending my morning rocking to all the past Music Mondays, but now all I can think about is Ricky and his magic ways.

Martha Elaine Belden said...

no way, anton! i was TOTALLY about to use the word giddy!

ah well... i'll use it anyway...

this post made me all giddy inside. i love gervais, and this premise sounds priceless!