Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Wacky Wednesday

Kind of a busy day already, as was yesterday (resulting in the end of my experiment of posting everyday) so to make up for it I'm gonna share a video. I was lucky enough to get a glimpse of this man on the Charles Bridge in Prague a year and a half ago. He is a musical scientist.

It sort of speaks for itself doesn't it. By far and away one of the greatest things I saw while I was in Europe.

Two nights of concerts on the horizon, TOOL tonight (we'll see how that goes) and Swell Season tomorrow (a show that will also see Anton coming into town. ALRIGHT.)

1 comment:

Martha Elaine Belden said...

hahhaha... that's awesome!
i like his expressive eyebrows. and the fact that he appears to have stopped and posed for that guy to take a picture.

and i can't believe you got anton to go all the way to austin for a concert when we couldn't even get him to drive to denton for concert last night.