Sunday, January 06, 2008

Arriving with Magnitude

The weekend, the weekend. It was a hectic one, and one that hopefully will be one of the last hectic one's for a while (must be that excess New Years buzz or something). It's amazing I have gotten anything done recently, what with all the friends in town, the parties to go to, the movies to see. Alas, though, in between watching the oddly-bearded Conan and relating every relationship I've had to a shower, I found the time to waste looking up shared birthdays. Really, I was just perusing the fair 'net the other day and stumbled upon wikipedia's birthday lists. Found some interesting stuff on there. I am proud to say that I share a birthday with the following people...

John Wayne (1907) actor
Miles Davis (1926) musician/man-god
Peter Cushing (1913) actor
Levon Helm (1940) vocal/drummer for The Band
Luca Toni (1977) striker for Bayern Munich/Italy nation team

These were the more respectable names, there were others I really could care less for - Stevie Nicks, Helena Bonham Carter, Lenny Kravitz, Hank Williams, Jr.

I also found a list of tragedies that occurred on my birthday...

The actual day of my birth in 1983, a strong 7.7 magnitude earthquake struck Japan, which triggered a tsunami that killed at least 104 people, and injured thousands... wow.

Whatever your Karmic beliefs may be, I feel that there is some sort of connection one has to an event of this nature. The day I was born an earthquake struck Japan. Sorry about that Japan, I apologize.

I just find these types of lists interesting. Check it out for yourself, head over to Wikipedia and type in your birthday, they've got lists galore for your particular day.

1 comment:

Martha Elaine Belden said...

so does this mean your birthday is soon... or now... or something? i guess i could look it up by your list, but i'm lazy.

and you're NOT excited about sharing a birthday with helena?? i heart her. but then again... i pretty much heart anything to do with tim burton.