Friday, April 11, 2008

Everybody Seems To Think I'm Lazy...

... I don't mind, I think they're crazy.

Two new reviews for things you should check out at your earliest convenience.

1. Joy Division - dir. Grant Gee -- the review pretty much speaks for itself. The film was amazing, and I wasn't really that much of a Joy Division fan before going to see it. It's just a genuinely great story to be told. I've heard rumors of it being packaged with the DVD release of the biopic on Ian Curtis, Control. Not sure though. Either way, check it out.

2. Bright Blue Dream - by {{{Sunset}}} -- I've already written a bit about the album on here, but here's a full review I wrote this week. It's a great piece of work and I think you should probably listen to it all the way through this weekend. {{{Sunset}}} @ The Tripwire.

* * *
Also, I'll get to another music playlist next week. Got some pretty good tunes in the ol' quiver just waiting to pierce your heart.

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