Thursday, April 10, 2008

I've Got Nothing To Say But It's O.K.

Today is marks a heartbreaking day in music history. 38 years ago today The Beatles officially announced their break up. Sure each had their own successes with solo careers (personally I think George did it best), but no one ever quite reached that fevered success that all four collectively did in their mere ten years of existence.

The Beatles are a lot of things to a lot of people. I wasn't alive during their time, but they were what got me into music. I taught myself how to play guitar from their songs, I met the first person I ever loved while on a Beatles pilgrimage, and I've reconnected with people I was once friends with and made whole new friends through their beautiful melodies. They are my favorite band of all time, and I've spent many a day trying to learn exactly what they did every hour of every day they were together, hoping to somehow channel that into my own life. They've guided my creativity for years. Thank you Ringo, George, Paul & John.

I can't remember what book it was in, I think it was High Fidelity, that stated most clearly what The Beatles are to a lot of people. They are a constant, and despite the individuality and ownership within the band, the fans now own them. No matter what happens, you can always go home and be with The Beatles. No matter what anyone takes away from me, they'll never take The Beatles, they are mine. And they're yours, too. So take the time today to give at least one full album a listen. And remember to Smile. Wait, that would be The Beach Boys... how about - And remember to Love? Why don't you just Smile AND Love.


Not Required said...

First love huh, pilgrimage....I don't think I knew that.

Martha Elaine Belden said...

wow. great post.

that's an anniversary i'd never have known if it wasn't for the foggiest... so thanks for sharing :)

crackers and cheese said...

Wow, they were really only together 10 years and it's been 38 years already? Those 10 years of incredible music will probably continue to influence the next 40 years of our culture.

I can't imagine my life without the Beatles. The more I think about it, the more memories I have with them, ranging back from visiting Liverpool as a 12 year old to going to the Lucy exhibit in Houston a few weeks ago, and in between are all kinds of friendships and romances that were impacted by the Beatles. I don't know if the Beatles really influenced these relationships in tangible ways, but their songs exist for me as beacons of light that guide me back to memories full of both joy and pain.

My car is named Lucy, btw, and I half-jokingly say that I'm going to name my children Jude, Lucy, and Penny.

RC said...

crazy, to think how 38 years have passed, and they're still #1