Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Up Yours, I Was On The Local News

The media man, always spinning my words, putting a slant on my message, what I want to say. Ok maybe they didn't, maybe they actually took words I was saying (that even in context probably didn't make a whole lot of sense) and used it exactly as they should have... Or maybe the snake of a reporter totally goaded me into saying what he wanted. FOUL PLAY!

Okay, none of that happened. But I was on the news last night, much to my family, friends and girlfriend's pleasure. I've never heard so many oohs and aahs and outright fits of laughter in one 2-minute span. Come on. Although they do have a point. I look like a goober. And what's going on with my hair? Boy, nothing like a 5-second cameo on the local news to mess with your insecurities. In my defense, they did ambush me at about 11am as I walked into Waterloo Records for a look at some new music. Sneaky bastards. All they wanted was some general info on the upcoming ACL weekend, little did they know they were dealing with a man who's soul is mostly made up of a love for music. They wanted general info and... that's exactly what I gave them. Take that you snake in the grass!

Kyle on the 6 o'clock news: Are you having a laugh?


Not Required said...

Your hair looks incredible. The local news asking you to talk to them about music, is kind of like a Japanese tourist asking me to take their picture for them.

Love it.

Martha Elaine Belden said...
