Monday, March 02, 2009

Stepping Back Into The Modern Age

I've just found the appropriate equipment to rig my record player up to my computer and thus share some of my favorite music with you!

My record collection is no where near vast, but it holds a large sentimental value with me. I love films just as much as I love music, and when you combine the two you get great music from great films. And when I buy vinyl, I don't often buy new stuff, obviously, you go for the old cheap used vinyl. But rather than pick through the legions of records stacked in the A-Z's, I've found it much more rewarding to pick through the used vinyl soundtrack sections. There's something very loving about the fuzzy warmth that exudes from my moderately sized speakers when they are playing an old score from a classic film from the 60's or 70's in the evening as the sun goes down.. or even better in the morning when the sun comes up. All is usually quiet and the gorgeous Texas sky offers up a blissfully clear sunrise/set that oftentimes feels can't be topped, yet is so by the the following day's offer.

This is why music is integral to daily life.

For my first foray into evolution by way of vinyl comes from two absolutely f**king brilliant films, that have two of the best soundtracks around...

1. Via Veneto e i nobili - Nino Rota -- La Dolce Vita. Loveliness.
2. Blues/La dolce vita dei nobili - Nino Rota -- La Dolce Vita. Godliness.
3. The Singleman Party Foxtrot - David Grusin -- The Graduate. Cleanliness?

Both of these films are exsquisite in their own way and their soundtracks/scores deserve a place in the annuls of art history. Hope you enjoy. More choice transitions from vinyl to digital will come once a week [or more if I'm feeling frisky].

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