Sunday, December 23, 2007

Happy Christmas

Well I must further apologize for not setting up any new playlists, but 'tis the Holiday Season and you're not allowed to feel anything negative (despite what I've seen just about every day on the highways). I would like to do a couple things today though, before the big day and before the week really. First off, here's a Christmas track from my favorite band of all time, The Beatles. You've probably heard it before, which is a great thing, because it's wonderful. Happy, joyful, all the rest. It's called Christmas Time (Is Here Again). You should enjoy it.

The other thing I'd like to do for you is give you a chance at a few Christmas cards I've made this year. I started doing this last year for a select few friends, and they really seemed to like them, so I did it again this year. Here's the only three I remembered to scan before I sent them out, and I'd like to share them with you and perhaps, if you'd like, you can share them with someone you know for Christmas. Take your pic...

* * *

I'll be wishing you and yours a happy one as I go through my annual Xmas Eve routine of slipping into my PJ's, sprawling out on the couch with a blanket and a cup of hot chocolate, watching Die Hard (the greatest Christmas Movie of ALL TIME) until I pass out. Happy Christmas.



Not Required said...

Your friendship makes me feel special.

Martha Elaine Belden said...

happy christmas to you, too :)

and i ADORE the hitchcock card. SO cool!