Wednesday, December 26, 2007

The First of the Gang to Die

I'm maybe the last person I know to have caught Juno in cinemas this year.  I'll have to blame that old pal of mine, Limited Release, for that one because now that I've seen it I'm going to go along with that popular opinion.  I thought it was really good.  Very quick, very dry, very smart.  And for a first shot at writing a feature film, Diablo Cody (damn the stripperness of that name) did a bang up job.  Granted there were some things that I really had to sit back and let go while watching.  Like some of the High School kids' dialogue.  The little catch words they used, the phrases.  It just felt like everyone was trying too hard to get it right.  Then again, I haven't been in High School for some time now, so I suppose I don't have much room to really nitpick.  Ellen Page is a cutie, though does any other guy out there feel a little uncomfortable with the fact that she's about 4 ft. tall?  Again nitpicking, because I'm over 6' tall.  I must say also, that she really outdid herself here, and I think she might finally be able to step out of the shadow that was cast so dark over her from X-Men: The Last Stand (insert sarcastic smirk here).  Also that creepy movie about her and statutory rape.  Jeez.

Which brings me to my next little topic here.  Has anyone caught the trailer for that film, Teeth?  I don't think I want to see that one at all, ever.  

Anyways, not many things hit me with enough gravitas to inspire an immediate blog post, well things come to me, but I forget them after about 5 minutes of driving the car they come to me in.  Tape recorders for the brain, we need to get to work on that.  I think I'd get a lot more finished if they weren't completely fictional. 

Enough of this nonsense.  I liked the movie.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Happy Christmas

Well I must further apologize for not setting up any new playlists, but 'tis the Holiday Season and you're not allowed to feel anything negative (despite what I've seen just about every day on the highways). I would like to do a couple things today though, before the big day and before the week really. First off, here's a Christmas track from my favorite band of all time, The Beatles. You've probably heard it before, which is a great thing, because it's wonderful. Happy, joyful, all the rest. It's called Christmas Time (Is Here Again). You should enjoy it.

The other thing I'd like to do for you is give you a chance at a few Christmas cards I've made this year. I started doing this last year for a select few friends, and they really seemed to like them, so I did it again this year. Here's the only three I remembered to scan before I sent them out, and I'd like to share them with you and perhaps, if you'd like, you can share them with someone you know for Christmas. Take your pic...

* * *

I'll be wishing you and yours a happy one as I go through my annual Xmas Eve routine of slipping into my PJ's, sprawling out on the couch with a blanket and a cup of hot chocolate, watching Die Hard (the greatest Christmas Movie of ALL TIME) until I pass out. Happy Christmas.


Monday, December 10, 2007

Music Monday: The Videos

This week is sort of a mess for me, as it is with others I know... damn Holidays. So, I haven't any songs for you yet this week, buuut I do have a few videos, they're much easier for me to get up here quick. So, with expedited fashion, here's

Music Monday: The Videos

White Rabbits - While We Go Dancing
White Rabbits' Fort Nightly is easily one of my favorite albums of the year. You can read a review I wrote of it here. It's devilish, it's fun, it's got a heavy dosage of drums.

Pete and The Pirates - Come On Feet
I've already expressed much interest in Pete and The Pirates. I want them to come play the States again very badly so you all can see them if you haven't already. Again, there's no news of a record deal here in the States, so video's and illegal stealing of music (or, borrowing) is the only way to get anything (assuming you don't want to pay any sort of import fee). This is a pretty catchy song.

Vampire Weekend - Mansard Roof
As much as you say you don't like to jump on the hip bandwagon, you like to find things out for yourself, you take pride in going against the grain, here is one band you'll listen to the hype for. They're like Paul Simon playing new wave, George Martin producing the bit players from a travelling group of vagabonds, or some other pairing that sounds odd at first, but then when you really think about it, probably could be pretty entertaining. They're another group of young musicians that just get what's going on at the moment. Plus that video has just enough of a Duran Duran via Cape Cod vibe to it to strike the right chords.

I'll try and be back later in the week with a few actual tracks you can download and listen to.. until then, check these artists out. Auf Wiedersehen.

Monday, December 03, 2007

Music Monday: Slice of Life

Not many ideas for an amazingly inspired playlist this week, there's just a stale plane of blankness that lay out where that ocean of creativity once filled. So this week I've simply got a little slice of life (or slyce of lyfe for my Hip-Hop readers), a reality TV-ish version of Music Mondays, something that requires little thought, but maybe something that will bring about entertainment. Hopefully though you'll find this dose a bit more intellectually stimulating than the dude from America's Funniest Home Videos interviewing questionably D-List stars after they've huffed and puffed across the dance floor. Here's a few bands and their accompanying songs that have been stuck in my head for the past couple of months. Hope you find some enjoyment.
Music Monday: Slice of Life

1 - Saturday Looks Good To Me - When I Lose My Eyes -- With a name as easy going as theirs, Saturday Looks Good To Me wouldn't seem like a band you might want to listen to right off. But the situation is quite the opposite, they are exactly the relaxed feel good music you want to hear on a Saturday. They're sort of oldies-inspired apathetic psychedelic pop/rock. I've been trying to review this album for a month now and that's the first time I've been able to pin my finger on it... Awesome. Off the album Fill Up The Room.

2 - Prints - Too Much Water -- I actually managed a review of this album, and let me just say, its great. Sort of an unexpected surprise. I found it by accident on my list of music to review, and it just fit perfectly with my person. The self-titled album is a solid listen and one you can just have on all the way through. For more info check out my review.

3 - Spoon - Rhythm & Soul -- You probably already own the album this track is off, the annoyingly titled Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga (5 Ga's, not 4, not 6, 5)... this track is so damn good and the album is awesome. I know that's not very elegantly put nor does it probably sound very smart, but when you're dealing with something this good, succinct is better than anything. Plus I gotta give my hometown boys some love, even if they don't really need it. My guess is you'll find this album on a few Best Of lists this year.

4 - Zykos - Keep It Light -- Off the Keep It Light EP, this just recently came out and it is another great Austin band that is starting to receive bigger press on the national and international levels. Frontman Mike Booher's vocals are gravelly and emotive and this track showcases what great craftsmanship the group as a whole are capable of. Keep an eye on these guys.

5 - Dappled Cities - Fire Fire Fire -- This happy go lucky, very quirky group out of New Zealand have produced a great pop album in Granddance, from which this track comes. The first time I heard this album I was camping in upstate NY and I thought it was pretty good... then I saw them live down here on a lark and just simply fell in love. Greatness, Fun..ness, Great Fun.

Thus concludes the Slyce of Lyfe.